Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) User Agreement 2024-2025

Please review the details of the user agreement on our website before completing this form.

The term Indigenous refers to Aboriginal people that is consistent with Section 35.2 of the Canadian Constitution Act 1982 1982 (includes First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada).
Are you an Indigenous person from outside of Canada? If so, please identify your heritage in "other" in question 2.

The personal information collected pursuant to this user agreement form is collected under the authority of the University of Western Ontario Act, 1982, as amended, and will be used for the purpose(s) of granting after-hours access to the WSS building, and reporting and planning within Indigenous Student Centre at Western. Please direct questions about this collection, use, or disclosure of personal information on this form to the Director, Indigenous Student Centre, (519) 661-4095.

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